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Getting better from the inside out

The word “empowerment” has been done to death but it expresses the content best. It is about making any external support, also from us, totally redundant. The entire organisation is empowered to drive continuous improvement by itself powered by intrinsic motivation. Understand more about the different ways of empowerment and how expert training can work within your organisation.

We are pleased to establish contact to clients with whom we already have established those improvement organisations or developed specific expert trainings. We are looking forward to your message.

Leadership Development

Empowerment on leadership level: We accompany you as an executive on all hierarchy levels with your personal and professional evolution. We develop individual ways, how you as a leader can create and drive a culture of continuous improvement. We support you actively in driving and creating change together with your employees.

  • Leadership tools: The correct behaviour for continuous improvement
  • Evolution: Transformation from manager to entrepreneur
  • Coaching: Individual support, personal exchange
  • Shadowing: Long term support for a certain time with immediate feedback
  • Implementation: Support of improvement activities from a leader’s perspective

Organisational Development

Empowerment of the entire organisation: We accompany und support you in developing the correct organisation facing the current but also future challenges. What are the guiding elements? What is the design of your future organisation? Which processes are required to fulfil the customer expectations? There is no “royal road”. We support you in finding and creating your individual way to long term success. 

  • Development of vision and mission
  • Outside view: Reflection of the external image of the company and organisation
  • Development and derivation of individual organisational structures
  • Driving the right corporate- and leadership culture
Establishing internal improvement organisations

Improvement from the inside: Instead of referring to external support when it comes to continuous improvement activities, it might be reasonable to build up internal organisational structures consisting of divisions and teams, which actively support improvement and drive cultural change. Typical tasks of these experts can be

  • Trainings for employees and executives
  • Support of real improvement projects
  • Coaching and shadowing of executives
  • Support for derivation of strategies
  • Qualification of next generation experts

We support you in empowering your organisation from inside out. We put great emphasis on living experience. Hence, our expert training program consists out of two major topics:

  1. Experience: Expert trainees learn in real life projects how to drive improvements and how to create cultural changes towards a continuous improvement culture.

  2. Theory: In parallel to the experience part the expert trainees are qualified with all relevant methods and tools. Beyond that they learn about social challenges such as conflict resolution, leading without disciplinary power or moderation.

We are convinced that an entirely standardised and pure theory training with just a small amount or no of experience does not help to create a powerful in-house competency. Every setup of an internal improvement and training organisation is unique and must not be copied directly from one company to another. 

The internal improvement and training organisation is a separate entity within the entire company or organisation. Internal experts are recruited from inside and qualified by real improvement projects. Doing that, a real added value is generated.

After some years, qualified experts can return back into leadership functions. So a cultural change is brought to leadership levels and has a positive impact on the corporate culture.

This concept was already successfully implemented and adopted in companies with >10.000 employees.

Did we spark your interest or do you have further questions? Do not hesitate to contact us.