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Buchinger|Kuduz - Strategische Transformation


Markets and customers are evolving. Do not stay behind.

Developing the right strategy – we’ll get you out of your comfort zone

In order to develop any company or institution, a clear and recognizable path is required.

In terms of Strategy Transformation and originating from the Kaizen culture, we develop with you these new ways considering your customer’s expectations. This includes target states along the path of change and ways of implementation in order to reach the desired target states.

  • Culture development

    We design the right work and entrepreneurial culture together with management, teams and individuals aligned to the individual needs of the organisation.

  • Hoshin Kanri

    Hoshin Kanri has not much in common with policy and strategy deployment. It is about a holistic approach because customers just appreciate the result of the overall system. Experience the advantages of this holistic approach.

  • Leadership development

    Which abilities and which knowledge require leaders in order to lead changes in the 21st century? Benefit from more than 15 years of international experience.

  • Leadership coaching

    We accompany leaders during change processes of organisations in individual coaching as well as team coaching sessions.

  • Customer values and needs

    The success of products and services depends on, how well values and needs of customers are met. But these are more abstract and emotional rather than tangible. Learn how to tackle these elements in a creative way.

  • Vision and Mission

    Vision and mission help organisations being successful on a long-term basis. We support you in developing a company-wide guiding picture and implementing its dedicated steps.

  • Strategy

    The development of a consistent strategy ensures a clear development path for companies and institutions. Learn how to design it - target orientated and effectively.

  • BlueSky

    Definite target states contain more than just numbers. Experience the real relevant content and design your way to success, step by step.

  • Overall Plant Concept (OPC)

    Make dedicated locations and subsidiaries ready for the future. Driven by customer expectations, this structured approach is suitable for both, production- and administration-dominated subsidiaries.

  • Relation matrix

    The relation matrix is a structured approach to align customer values and needs together with products and services. Out of that, customer orientated processes including their prioritisation can be derived.

Buchinger|Kuduz - Prozess Transformation


Nothing is perfect. Get continuously better.

Evolution of process landscapes – continuously towards success

There are processes always and everywhere. They make sure that products and services deliver the results any peer group, mostly named “customers”, is expecting. Some processes get outdated, some need to be newly designed.

In terms of Process Transformation, together with you we develop new customer orientated processes and improve the existing ones. By that, you will benefit from more than 15 years of experience in Kaizen and Lean Management.

More options and approaches are described in the section below named Our Approaches.

  • Method training

    We offer tailor-made trainings for in a project required methods (e.g. 5S, visual management, Kanban, standardised work, TPM, SMED, SixSigma, value stream, swim-lane, production networks, logistics, …).

  • Leadership qualification

    Tailored qualification of leaders is essential for a sustainable leadership in a continuous improvement environment.

  • Leadership coaching

    Our experts accompany leaders on their social challenges within improvement activities. Doing so, collaboration within an organisation gets more effective.

  • Expert training

    It is challenging to recruit experts for continuous improvement from outside an organisation. We design tailored qualification concepts to qualify internal staff to act as internal experts.

  • Implementation projects

    We support projects in any real-life environment based on analysis, potential estimation, implementation and identified measures.

  • Project leadership

    Leading and coordination of multiple improvement projects within an organisation.

  • Value Stream Development (VSM, VSD)

    Benefit from long-term international experience in analysis and design of process landscapes in production and administration. Doing so, weaknesses are understood and potentials gained.

  • Maturity Assessment

    We develop together with you new assessment systems or improve existing audits. This allows the necessary improvement potential to be identified and the next change activities and implementation projects to be derived.

  • Method development

    We develop new methods and adopt existing ones to your individual process needs.

  • Process analysis and -design

    The analysis of process landscapes by metrics (KPI) and visualisation creates transparency and shows potentials for improvement.

  • Shopfloor Management (SFM)

    We develop your Shopfloor Management according to your needs. Doing so, fast and structured problem solving in daily communication is made possible. This is applicable in both, production and administration.

  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)

    Structured and stable supply chains are quite challenging, especially in these days. Experience, how to optimise your supply chains.

Buchinger|Kuduz - Klima Transformation


Competitiveness is threatened by climate crisis. Be prepared.

Bringing changes in climate protection to a new level

Climate change is a major challenge which determines the wealth of our societies. Only organisations understanding their individual consequences in change and evolution will survive in the future.

In Climate Transformation we support you in information and qualification activities to gain the relevant knowledge about necessity and consequences of entrepreneurial decisions – an important starting point for change.

Furthermore we analyse your strategy, products, services and processes in terms of their compatibility with the Paris climate agreement. Experience the real meaning of Sustainability by Default and improve the competitiveness of your organisation.

  • Knowledge transfer

    Learn about the most important topics dealing with climate change and sustainability. Items such as GHG protocol, ESG, SDGs, CSRD, SBTi, Net Zero and many more. So you can identify potentials for your business model and reduce potential risks.

  • Employee qualification

    In order to reduce resources and emissions, a first approach is awareness of employees. So potentials for reduction become visible and can be improved quickly.

  • Leadership qualification

    Creating awareness for leaders in terms of climate change in their management routines can be essential for reaching sustainable measures against climate change.

  • Implementation projects

    If required, we support your activities by analysis, potential estimation and implementation of identified measures.

  • Project leadership

    Leadership or coordination of single projects or several improvement projects.

  • LeanGoesGreen®

    Learn how to connect lean methods to climate-specific actions and measures. As a result, you can increase effectivity and efficiency to another dimension.

  • Make your strategy climate-ready

    We perform a status analysis of your strategy and derive potentials for improvement. This makes your organisation compatible with the Paris climate agreement.

  • Sustainable processes

    We analyse and optimise your processes in terms of use of resources and emissions.

  • Future-orientated product portfolio

    How to prepare products and services towards decarbonisation and reduction of resources? We support you in analysis and optimisation.

  • Renewable Energy and E-Mobility

    With more than 10 years of experience in renewable energies and electric mobility, we support you with market analysis, feasibility studies, project development and implementation.


Identify your potentials in terms of sustainability and ensure your competitiveness for the future. With our Climate Transformation Compass MoVE Core Competence opportunities are identified based on each location for mobility, value-add and energy, strategy, which drives the climate transformation.

Klimatransformation Kompass MoVE Core Competence

Climate Transformation Compass

MoVE Core Competence


Our approaches are no isolated and separated elements but can be combined with each other. We do not work like typical consultants who want to create dependencies, we support you in gaining knowledge and experience in order to act autonomously. We have reached our goal the moment our services are not any more required.

Above, you have already read about some approaches and tools on the way to changeability in terms of the three fields of action, such as strategy, processes and climate transformation. The right elements are always combined according to your individual requirements. In case your are looking for specific  proposals, project cases and approaches, you will find some in the different sections named keynotes, seminars, implementation and expert training.

Lists of
  • Authentic
  • Enthusastic talk
  • Inspiration for change
Examples of
  • Individual
  • Interactive
  • Related to practice
  • Project orientated
  • On site and online
  • Additional services
Expert Training
  • Empowerment
  • Theory and practice
  • Young executives
  • No consultants

    We do not create dependencies. Our colleagues are your external colleagues.

  • No One-Man-Show

    We offer a wide network which also acts internationally. Hence, projects can be easily scaled.

  • Local-For-Local

    Our partner network is everywhere in the world. This reduces travel expenses and emissions.

  • Interdisciplinary

    Our colleagues within the network provide a big variety of competencies (e.g. process experts, psychologists, IT-specialists).